Rodriguez Lopez y Uribe Senior | pagina de Genealogia.

El transcurso legendario de cuatro hilos de sangre.
Genealogias de Colombia. Historia familiar. Investigadores Genealogicos

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Casa de Salomon de Mordechay Senior y Lopes

Title Heerenstraat 35, Punda, Curaçao (12buildingA) Time Period 1700-1750 1751-1799
Photograph by Kent Coupé
Description & Notes Heerenstraat 35, Punda, Curaçao (12buildingA). In 1713 this building was owned by Salomon (de Mordechay) Senior, but Jan van Erpecum lived at the address. Merchant houses were usually in the center of town or near the whar. They contained both work and living spaces. Salomon (de Mordechay) Senior is the brother of David Senior (d. 1749) and hence the uncle of Isaac Haim Senior. The building is a three-storey corner structure with a gable roof closed by a small funnel-shaped gable with mouldings and classical top end with an oval-shaped fronton on a rectangular moulding. The three-tiered gallery with arcades on the first and second floor was added on later. The gallery is topped with a stone parapet.
Site/Building Heerenstraat 35, Punda, Curaçao
Geographic Location Punda [Curaçao] Willemstad [Curaçao] Curaçao [Netherlands Antilles]Caribbean
Merchant's House Salomon de Mordechay Senior, David Senior, Ishac Haim Senior, Senior Family
Ethnic Group Sephardi Dutch,Religious Affiliation Jewish

LugarCuracao, Antillas Holandesas
Nombre de archivojewishatl-heerenstraat-35Senior.jpg
Tamaño de Archivo642.47k
Dimensiones2448 x 3264
Vinculado aSelomoh de Mordechay Senior y Lopes

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